1 month 23 day , Jinan, Shandong , Known as “ The first tunnel of Wanli Yellow River ” The Yellow River Tunnel in Jinan has been completed . This is the largest diameter shield tunnel under construction in China .

   In Luokou section of Jinan , The riverbed of the Yellow River is higher than that of the south bank 5 rice , The maximum flood level is higher than the riverbed 11.62
rice , Become a huge amount of water on the ground “ Suspended river ”, And the geology is fragile , There is a lot of clay , High hardness rock and super high water and soil pressure , The difficulty of digging a tunnel can be imagined .

   Jinan Yellow River tunnel is located on the central axis of Jinan City , Jiluo road in the South , Beilian new and old kinetic energy conversion area .

   Length of shield section of tunnel 2519 rice , It is designed to build double pipe and double layer public rail , The upper layer is a two-way six lane highway , Fastest 4 You can cross the Yellow River in 30 minutes , The lower level is rail transit , Fastest 2
It can cross the Yellow River in half , It can save nearly 20% compared with the bypass of Jinan Yellow River Bridge 1 It's an hour's drive .

  2019 year 9 Month begins , China Railway 14th Bureau Group , Jinan Urban Construction Group jointly built “ Yellow River ” and “ Tarzan ” Two super large diameter slurry balance shield machines started tunneling successively ,
Total weight of each shield machine 4000 ton , Cutter head excavation diameter 15.76 rice , amount to 5 Floor height .

   it is reported , The whole tunnel has 2 More than 10000 assembly joints , The average error is only 0 2 millimeter .

   Jinan Yellow River tunnel will be opened this year 10 It was completed and opened to traffic in May .
