vcs The commonly used collection coverage options in are as follows :
1.cm_dir <directory_path_name>

This option can set an alternative name or path to store simv.vdb. If this option is not set , Then it will simv.vdb Store in -o Under the path set by option . If will simv.vdb Store in new path , Then you should also add -cm_dir
-cm_dir base_fun/cov_log The generated coverage file will be stored in cov_log.vdb Under the directory ,vcs Add by default vdb suffix .
2.-cm <cov_metrics_name>

You can add it later line,cond,tgl,fsm,branch,assert, Used to collect rows separately , condition , Flip , State machine , branch , assertion coverage , Used when multiple options are added at the same time + connect . as -cm
3. Open the coverage interface
adopt dve When looking at coverage , Can pass dve -cov Open the coverage interface , perhaps dve -dir .vdb; adopt verdi When looking at coverage , Can pass verdi
-cov Open the corresponding interface .
cm_log Used to specify the coverage of records during simulation log file name . Its parameters can be found in simv.daidir Found in .
export cm_opts += -cm_log KaTeX parse error: Expected group after '_' at
position 5: (tc)_̲(cfg)_$(seed)_good.log


cm_hier Hierarchy used to specify collection coverage ,+” Delegate view ,“-” Delegate does not view . The following common parameters are module Indicates the module name ,file Indicates the file name ,tree Represents to view the sub module called by a module , That is, actual dut Hierarchy of .
stay cm_hier Fuzzy matching is supported in the following files , For example, it is instantiated u_switch_0 and u_switch_1, Turning off the coverage of these two items can -tree
harness.u_switch_top.u_switch_ 1;
By default , All modules and levels collect coverage , The results collected are as follows :

add to hie.cfg file , In the document -module switch, The result of collecting coverage is that there is no collection switch.

tree The basic usage of is as follows :+/-tree
level_number among level_number by 0, Indicates that the current level and the level it belongs to will be collected ;1 Indicates that only the current hierarchy is collected ;2 Indicates that the current level and its lower level are collected ;
-tree harness.u_switch_top express u_switch_top And the layers below it will not collect coverage .

+tree harness.u_switch_top.u_switch Indicates collection u_switch And below .

6.-assert dumpoff | enable_diag | filter_past
definition SystemVerilog Assertion (SVA
dumpoff: Hexadecimal will sva information dump reach vpd in ;
enable_diag: Enable sva returns , Further controlled by the operation option
filter_past: ignore $past Subsequence in
take SVA Coverage statistics are limited to those specified in the file list module arrangement
8.urg generate report
-dir, Specify what you need to get db of hier
-dbname, Specify output merge db of hier
-elfile, appoint exclusive of file, It's better to calculate coverage
-format text/both, appoint report Output format of
-parallel, parallel merge
Designer in RTL Assertions will be added to key information in the code , When collecting coverage , The assertion coverage needs to be counted . Collection assertion coverage needs to be added -cm assert.
