What do you know today , In question “40 A person who decides not to work because of financial freedom , How much is the sum of personal assets ” Next I see Ali P9 My anonymous answer gave me a sharp sour ~

The 40 year old senior coder who had just lost his job revealed his life experience , As a “ Ali P9” Programmers , He talked about his twenty years of struggle , How to save 1.5 The story of billion wealth .

of course , Many netizens also said they were not credible , And the Commission was questioned .

So real Ali P8,P9 What level is it ? Let's talk about Ali in my eyes P8,P9.

I've seen Ali around P8, Record my observations , Here is only the technical line P8.

Salary level , Now let's dig Ali P8 Your offer has been discussed 100 Annual cash salary before 10000 yuan tax + 50-100 10000 options .

Ali P8 It's an insult to go below this number ( Those who have changed jobs can check whether they are underestimated ), You're at your peak when you're on the job , The non competition agreement guarantees that you can get in and not get out .

Want to be an architect , I suggest you take a look at this Java Core knowledge points of Architects , Avoid detours . Whether it's preparing for job hopping or learning to accumulate strength , You can have a look .

Look here ! Look here ! Full version PDF Just click the business card at the end of the document , You can get it for free by scanning the code !

( It's not easy to sort out the data , Let's finish it patiently ~)

Core knowledge points

This part can be said to be very critical and basic , involve JVM,Mysql, Concurrent ,Spring,Mybatis,Redis,MQ,Zookeeper,Netty,Dubbo,Spring
Boot,Spring Cloud, Data structure and algorithm , Design mode , Knowledge and network related fields .

1.Java Concurrent programming ( involve Java Working principle and application of multithreading ,Java Working principle and application of thread pool , And lock , Process scheduling algorithm, etc )

2. Principle and application of distributed cache ( Introduction to distributed caching ,Ehcache Principle and Application ,Redis Principle and Application , The core issues of distributed cache design )

3.ZooKeeper Principle and Application ( involve ZooKeeper Election mechanism ,ZooKeeper Data model and ZooKeeper Application scenarios, etc )

4.Netty Principle and application of network programming

5.Kafka Principle and Application ( involve Kafka form ,Kafka Data storage design ,Kafka Producer concurrent design ,Kafka Consumer concurrent design , as well as Kafka Installation and Application )

6. Design mode ( Involving common 23 A classic design pattern )

7.Spring Principle and Application ( involve Spring IoC principle ,Spring AOP principle ,Spring MVC principle , affair ,MyBatis Cache and other contents )

8.Spring Cloud Principle and Application ( involve Spring Boot,Spring Cloud
Nacos,Eureka,Consul,Sentinel,Hystrix,Seata,Zuul and Spring Cloud Link monitoring, etc )

9. Data structure and algorithm
( Involving stack , queue , Linked list , Hash table , Binary tree , Red black tree , Graphs and bitmaps , Binary search , Bubble sorting , Insert sort , Quick sort , Shell Sort , Merge sort , Bucket sorting , Cardinality sorting algorithm, etc )

10. Network and load balancing principle ( involve TCP/IP,HTTP, Common load balancing algorithms and LVS Principle, etc )

11.JVM principle ( involve JVM operating mechanism ,JVM Memory model , Common garbage collection algorithms and JVM Class loading mechanism, etc )

12.ElasticSearch Principle and Application
( involve ElasticSearch data model ,ElasticSearch Distributed architecture ,ElasticSearch Data reading and writing principle and segment merging )

13.Spark Principle and Application ( involve Spark characteristic ,Spark Module composition ,Spark operating mechanism , as well as Spark RDD,Spark Streaming,Spark
SQL,DataFrame,DataSet,Spark Structured Streaming Principle and application of )

14.Flink Principle and Application ( involve Flink Core concept ,Flink framework ,Flink Event driven model ,Flink Data analysis and Application Flink State based memory calculation, etc )

15.Hadoop Principle and Application ( involve HDFS,MapReduce,YARN Other contents )

16.HBase Principle and Application ( involve HBase Column storage data model ,HBase Architecture composition and HBase Data reading and writing process, etc )

Have this interview book , I believe you are in this year's golden three silver four interview , Must be able to stand out , Rush into the big factory . This is a free sharing as a benefit , Full version PDF Just click on the business card below , You can get it for free by scanning the code !
