When landing root And @ There is no space between

mv Command to cut , Change file name and other functions

cp command -i The command asks before overwriting

cat Press enter after obtaining from the keyboard to display on the screen , Read small files

tac And cat corresponding Reverse order printing

more command Display for easy reading

| The Conduit

dmesg Print log

grep filter

dmesg | grep err |more -3 Combination of commands


echo Print -e( Show special characters ) redirect (>)

“>” redirect ">>" Append redirection , Write from end of file , Historical data will be saved

“<” input redirection

less And more Functional similarity /+ Digital search

-N set number q Can stop

head Get the first ten lines of the document You can also specify how many lines to get in front

tail Get the last ten lines of the document You can also specify how many rows to get

Get time date

Format printable time

time stamp date+%s (1970/1/1 Number of seconds from zero to now Zero here is equivalent to eight o'clock Beijing time )
date +%Y/%m/%d+%H:%M:%S It can be transformed into understandable time

date -d@ Timestamp conversion (@0 Is the time when the timestamp starts The time difference is eight hours )

cal Calendar instruction

grep Text line filter tool Facilitate text processing

grep -E regular expression
​ -v Reverse selection ( be similar to C Logical non in language )
​ -i ignore case
​ -n Output line number

grep With printing function

find Disk discovery command High cost of discovery

which Specifically find the path where the command is located

whereis As long as the keywords are included, they will be found ( No spaces )

alias ls -l And ll
ls -l --color=auto Alias is ll
Put it another way :ll yes ls -l Alias with specific options
alias Custom alias as alias lll=‘ls -l -i --color=auto’ (color It's for coloring )
Cancel alias : Turn off the terminal and it's gone Or set to null

Packing compression , Unpack

zip pack :
​ zip xx.zip xx
​ Packaged zip The file is in the current directory by default
​ Use when packaging multiple directories -r ( Recursive )
unzip Unpack :
​ unzip xx.zip -d route
​ The unpacked files are in the current directory by default
​ -d Specify the extracted file path

tar:( There is no short bar connection between )
​ tar czf c establish z Compressed package f New name Create a compressed file with the extension tgz
​ tar cvzf Yes v The packaging process is displayed after
​ tar xzf x Unzip the package
​ tar xvzf Show unpacking process
​ tar xzf xx.zip -C route Unzip to the specified path

Reasons for packaging compression : Multiple files are packaged into one file , Reduce file loss due to network and other reasons ( pack ), You can also reduce the volume ( compress )

tree Tree display

bc Calculator Add other commands to control accuracy

uname -a View host name , Current machine version , Kernel name , Kernel version , Architecture and other information

ctrl+r stay XShell You can search the original command in the

history Displays all commands that have been tapped

Tab Key can be automatically supplemented ( Press twice to get a conditional command )

ctrl+c End process

ctrl+d amount to exit Press several times to exit the account /XShell

-h Shut down immediately
-r Restart after service shutdown
-t sec How many seconds will it shut down

reboot restart

Sign in linux The system creates a process for the user Generally called bash( Command Line Interpreter )
user -> shell Shell -> linux kernel

What is? shell? Software layer wrapped outside the operating system It is also a command line interpreter

Why does it exist shell? Solve the problem that users are not good at dealing with the operating system Deliver requests and feedback Protected operating system

shell And bash Relationship between ?shell Is a class bash It's a concrete one ( Kind of like java Instantiation in )

jurisdiction : Super user (root) And ordinary users

Switch users su - ( Ordinary users -> Super user )

increase root Password security

su + user name Switch users

useradd ->sudo passwd user name ->userdel -r user name ( No -r Delete not clean The directory will be left )

sudo Temporarily increase permissions , Error reporting solution : configuration file , change /etc/sudoers File content in
