Introduction to string :

A string is a series of characters stored in continuous bytes in memory .C++ There are two styles of handling strings in , One from C language , be called C style of language ; Another style is based on string library , Let's call it string Library style . among C style of language , It makes use of the character that string is stored in continuous byte in memory , Stores a string in a character array , with ‘\0’ ending ; and string Methods provided by library style , Allows programmers to use strings as variables , Next, we will introduce these two styles respectively .

1.C style of language
(1) Strings and character arrays

C Language style is handled by placing strings in character arrays , Each character is in an array element , And null character (’\0’) ending . Null terminated pair C Language style is very important for strings , This is the mark that distinguishes a string from an array of characters , such as :
char a[5] = {'1','2','3','4','5'}; // This is an array of characters char b[5] = {'1','2','3','4','\0'
}; // This is a string

meanwhile , The null character at the end of a string is also a mark used by many functions to determine whether to reach the end of a string , If an element in the string is set to ’\0’, So many functions will misjudge the end of the string and bring errors , such as :
char dog[6] = {'T','e','d','d','y','\0'}; // Define a string Teddy cout<<" Before the change : "<<dog<<
"\n"; //cout Will be output until a null character at the end is encountered dog[2] = '\0'; // Change the character 'd' Change to null character cout<<" After the change : "<<dog;
The result of the execution of such a code segment will be :

If the user does not set the end of the character array to a null character ,cout The function continues to interpret the rest of memory as elements to be printed until a null character is encountered , However, null characters are common in memory , So the output will stop soon , Most of this will not affect the output , However, users should still not use non null character ending strings as strings .
(2) Initialization of string

The initialization of the string can be done as in the previous example , Use single quotation marks to separate single characters and put a space character at the end , But this is cumbersome . A simpler way to initialize a character array to a string is to use double quotation marks ("") Enclose the content . This string is called a string constant , Or string literal . A quoted string implicitly contains a null character at the end , It doesn't need to be added artificially , But remember to reserve space for it . When you enter a string like this , We can manually set the length of the character array , You can also let the compiler compute space automatically , such as :
char dog[6] = "Teddy" // Artificial setting , Reserve an empty character position char cat[] = "Persion" // Compiler calculation
It should be noted that , A large enough space should be allocated for the string , If there is an unused part of the allocated space , Will be automatically set to null character ’\0’
(3) String splicing and character operation in string

stay C In language style , Arithmetic operator ’+‘ Will not be interpreted as a concatenation of strings , So it can't be used directly ’+' Splicing two strings . You can use functions strcat() Achieve the goal , But you need to use string library , So let's talk about it below .
After understanding the relationship between string and character array , You can use the properties of the array to operate the characters in the string , For example, the realization of a word case conversion :
char dog[6] = "Teddy"; for (int i=0;i<6;i++){ // If the length is unknown , have access to strlen(dog) obtain if(dog
[i]<'Z' && dog[i]>'A'){ dog[i] += 32; } else{ dog[i] -= 32;
(4) String input

Just like character arrays , String can be used cin Input . however cin Use blank ( Space , Line break , Tab ) Determine input boundary , This means that the input string cannot contain spaces ( You can only enter one word at a time ), The problem is obvious .
But actually , If spaces and newlines have the same effect on the confirmation boundary , So does it mean that the same result will appear when running the program ? For example, the following code :
char name[10]; char food[10]; cout<<"What is your name:"; cin>>name; cout<<
"What is your favorite food:"; cin>>food; cout<<name<<" likes "<<food;
If you use line breaks , That is, use carriage return to separate two strings , The running example is :

It seems that there is no problem , But what if you use spaces to split ?

under these circumstances , Programmers have not yet responded to the input of favorite foods , The program has shown it . This is because after using spaces ,rice Is left in the input queue , Therefore, when the program searches the input results in the input queue, it finds the data left in it rice, Read directly and store in string , In this way, the user does not need to input any more .

first , It's not good to input only one word at a time , however istream Classes in provide some class member functions , Line oriented input is possible , That is to say, just put the newline character ( Press enter) As the end of input flag . What are the advantages of such a function getline() and get() two types .

The difference is that getline() The newline character is read and discarded , and get() The newline character is kept in the input queue . The general form of these two functions is :cin.getline(arrayName,arrayLenth) and cin.get(arrayName,arrayLenth); The delegate puts the input in the arrayLenth Of length arrayName In the array of . This solves some of the problems associated with using spaces as input boundaries , such as :
char name[15]; cout<<"input name:"; cin.getline(name,15); cout<<name;
The test example is :

You can see that you can enter a string with spaces !
But we need to pay attention , because get() Function leaves the carriage return in the queue , You may need another one get() To read carriage returns , Otherwise, it will bring problems to the input , such as :
char pets[10]; char food[10]; cin.get(pets,10); cin.get();
// Offsets the string left in the input queue , It can also be used getchar() cin.get(food,10); cout<<pets<<"\n"; cout<<food;
2.string Library style ( join cstring perhaps string.h)
By adding string Class extends C++ library , You can use it now string A variable of type, rather than an array of characters, stores a string . Now you can define strings like this :
string pets = "dog and cat";
(1) assignment , Splicing and attaching
string first_name; string last_name; first_name = "Mercer"; // Assigning values to string variables
last_name= "Alex"; cout<<last_name+" ,"+first_name; // Here "+" Interpreted as string splicing
(2) Connection with character array
actually string Class definition hides the array nature of a string , actually string There are many similarities with character arrays , There are also some differences , Take a test program as an example :
string first_name = "Alex"; // You can use it C Style string initializes the string object string last_name; cin>>
last_name; // have access to cin Read from keyboard to string Object cout<<"full_name: "<<first_name+last_name<<
"\n";// You can use it cout output cout<<first_name[0]; // You can use array representation to output characters in a string
(3)string Input of

string Class can be used cin and >> Input , But with C The language style is the same , Facing the problem that the space may bring . But before C In language style , We use getline(),get() Time , You need to determine the name and length of the character array , however string Class hides the array property , How to input ? You can use functions getline(cin,str) To input , for example :
string full_name; getline(cin,full_name);
(4) Some common functions
①strcpy -- Copies a string into a character array
strcpy(a,b), Set the array b Copy to a in , It will cover the original a Content in ;
char a[4] = "123"; char b[4] = "456"; cout<<strcpy(a,b);
The results are as follows

②strcat -- Appends a string to the end of the string
strcat(a,b), Set the array b Attach to a end , The same is just in the case
char a[4] = "123"; char b[4] = "456"; cout<<strcat(a,b);
The results are as follows :

③strlen -- Output string length
char a[4] = "123"; cout<<strlen(a);
The results are as follows :

Here we need to pay attention , The length of the character array is 4, The length of the output is 3, This is because a reserved element position is implicitly added to the quoted content ’\0’ It's reserved , and strlen() The function stops when it encounters a null character , It is not counted in string length , It's also a side effect of what we're saying C The view of language style string initialization .
