Recently boring research on smart watches , Because it's Android .
But the above does not have its own unload method and file management or application management program , Only through PC End assistant to unload and download applications , But now assistants have to use mobile phones PC All terminals must be installed to connect , This leads to the fact that an assistant will remain on the watch in any case . So I used it ADB Command unload , Record it .

1, open cmd window . 
ensure CMD The current default path for the window is “tools” or “platform-tools” catalog , If not , Please go through cd The command is set
Will be relevant Android Device connected to computer , Ensure that the equipment can be ADB Environmental identification , This has to go through adb devices Command to judge , Please at CMD Input in the window : 

2.adb devices
Press the keyboard Enter Enter to confirm , If the device ID is displayed , It's usually a long series of random numbers , It indicates that ADB Normal operation , otherwise , Please check that the driver is installed correctly
Lists the installed application packages on the target device , Please at CMD Enter the following command in the window : 

3.adb shell pm list packages

Press Enter Enter to confirm , You'll see CMD The window shows the names of all installed packages , however , You have to pay attention , Each application package is named with package: start , That's not actually included in the name of the application , The correct app package name is package: Logo on the back , For example, the package name of app is
If you want to uninstall app , Then enter the unload command : 
adb uninstall
Press Enter Enter to confirm , When Success After the prompt appears , Your app is your treasure Android Remove from device , Other applications are the same .
ADB The unloading method mainly uses one uninstall command , Its format is adb uninstall App package name .
