<> thinking

* Enter the page
* If not logged in , Jump to landing page
* If logged in , from cookie Get user information from , And follow up
<>1. Login page , Deposit cookie(setCookie)
import {setCookie,getCookie}from 'src/js/cookieUtil' methods: { async
cheack_n_p () { if( this.checkCode === this.pwd) { this.loginData = await
getUserInfo(this.uname, this.pwd, this.adminPhone); if (this.loginData.res !==
0) { setCookie('userName',this.uname); setCookie('userPwd',this.pwd,);
setCookie('phone',this.uname); setCookie('userId',this.loginData.obj.id);
setCookie('adminPhone',this.adminPhone); // this.$router.go(-1);
this.$router.replace('/'); } else { alert(" Verification code error !") } } }, },
<>2. Page judgment
import {setCookie,getCookie}from 'src/js/cookieUtil' mounted () { if
(this.isLogin==undefined||this.isLogin=="") { this.$router.replace('/login'); }
else { // Follow up this.phone = getCookie("phone"); } }, computed: { isLogin () {
// return this.$store.getters.getLogin; this.userId = getCookie("userId"); //
console.log(this.userId); return this.userId; } },
<>3. cookieUtil(setCookie,getCookie)
/** * Created by Schon on 2018/9/13 0013. */ // set up cookie export function
setCookie(key,value) { var exdate = new Date(); // Acquisition time
exdate.setTime(exdate.getTime() + 24 * 60 * 60 * 1000 * 36500);
// Days saved , What I write here is 100 year // String splicing cookie window.document.cookie = key + "=" + value +
";path=/;expires=" + exdate.toGMTString(); }; // read cookie export function
getCookie(param) { var c_param = ''; if (document.cookie.length > 0) { var arr
= document.cookie.split('; '); // The format shown here needs to be cut and output for (var i = 0; i <
arr.length; i++) { var arr2 = arr[i].split('='); // Cut again // Judge to find the corresponding value if (arr2[0]
== param) { c_param = arr2[1]; // Save to where the data is stored } } return c_param; } }; function
padLeftZero (str) { return ('00' + str).substr(str.length); };
