Business logic :

1, Implement login , register , Forget password function

2, When requesting background , Passed parameter encryption

3, cell-phone number , When the password is sent to the backend , Encryption processing

  More codes , Post a login page
<template> <view> <!-- 1 logo --> <view class="logo"> <image
src="../../static/image/wx.png"></image> </view> <!-- 2 login information --> <form
@submit="doLogin"> <view class="login-info"> <view class="item"> <image
src="../../static/image/login_tel.png"></image> <input name="mobile"
type="number" placeholder=" Please enter your mobile number " maxlength="11"></input> </view> <view
class="item"> <image src="../../static/image/login_pwd.png"></image> <input
name="password" password placeholder=" Please input a password (6~15 position )" maxlength="15"></input>
</view> <view class="item"> <text class="font-gray"> Login means you have agreed </text> <navigator
class="color-green" url="/pages/agreement/agreement">《 User service agreement 》</navigator>
</view> </view> <!-- 3 Login button --> <button formType="submit" class="big-btn"
lang="zh_CN"> Sign in </button> </form> <!-- 4 Auxiliary operation --> <view class="login-opts
font-gray"> <navigator url="/pages/register/register?type=0"> Quick registration </navigator>
<navigator url="/pages/register/register?type=1"> Forgot password ?</navigator> </view>
</view> </template> <script> import sha from '../../common/sha256.js'; export
default { data() { return { mobile: '', password: '', navUrl:'' } },
onLoad:function(options){ let navUrl = options.navUrl; if (navUrl != null &&
navUrl != undefined && navUrl != '') {// Transfer from other interfaces url this.navUrl=navUrl }else{
this.navUrl='' } }, methods: { // validate logon doLogin: function(e) { let param =
e.detail.value // Get user name when submitting , password this._mysubmit(param) }, // Verify my submission {mobile: "",
password: ""} _mysubmit: function(param) { let mobile = let
password = param.password.trim() let flag = this._checkMobile(mobile) &&
this._checkPassword(password)// check if (flag) { this._checkUserInfo(param); } },
// Verify user name _checkMobile: function (param) { let regFlag =
this.$util.checkMobile(param) let telLens = param.length if (telLens === 0) {
this.$request.setErrorMessage(' Mobile number cannot be empty ') } else if (telLens < 11) {
this.$request.setErrorMessage(' Mobile number length error ') } else if (!regFlag) {
this.$request.setErrorMessage(' Mobile number format error ') } else { return true } }, // Verify password
_checkPassword: function (param) { let pwdLens = param.length; if (pwdLens ===
0) { this.$request.setErrorMessage(' Password cannot be empty ') } else if (pwdLens < 6) {
this.$request.setErrorMessage(' Password length cannot be less than 6 position ') }else{ return true } }, // Check user information
param={mobile: "", password: ""} _checkUserInfo: function(param) { let password
= sha.sha256(param.password.trim()) param.password = password
this.gotoLogin(param); }, gotoLogin(param){ this.$request.setRequest('/login',
param) .then(res => { if ( == 1) {// success let userInfo = this.$common.setGlobalUserInfo(userInfo)//goto It should be the user information returned by the backend {} //
Log login success timestamp let timestamp = new Date().getTime();
this.$request.setErrorMessage( // Jump to login interface let navUrl =
this.navUrl; if (navUrl != null && navUrl != undefined && navUrl != '')
{// Transfer from other interfaces url uni.switchTab({ url: '/pages/' + navUrl, }) } else {
uni.switchTab({ url: '/pages/mine/mine' // Parameter can only be in string form , Cannot be json object }) } } else if
( <1){ this.$request.setErrorMessage( }else{
this.$request.setErrorMessage() } }) }, } } </script> <style> @import
'login.css'; </style>
