one , Experimental purpose :

* master LINUX Issue file and directory operation commands :cd,ls,mkdir,rmdir,rm.
* master LINUX Next file information display command :cat,more.
* master LINUX Next file copy , Delete and move commands :cp,mv.
* master LINUX File retrieval for , Sort command :grep,sort.

two , Experiment content :

1, Use the command to switch to /etc catalogue , And display the current working directory path .

2, Use command display /root Details of all file directories under the directory , Include hidden files .

3, Create a directory using the command /root/linux, Then delete the directory .

4, Using commands cat Using output redirection in /root Create file under directory abc, The contents of the document are “Hello,Linux!”, And view the contents of the file .

5, Use the command to create with the default permission of 744 Directory of /root/ak, Then /root/abc Copy files to this directory , Finally, delete the directory and the files under it .

6, see file /etc/passwd Before 3 Line content .

7, create a file file1, The contents of the document are 3 that 's ok , Respectively a,c,b, Sort the file data , Display on screen .

8, Use command display /etc/passwd File type of file .

9, In file /etc/passwd Search for matching characters in “root”.

three , Experimental environment :

Windows 10

Workstation 16.x virtual machine

Red Hat Enterprise Linux 7 64 position

four , Experimental steps and results

* Use the command to switch to /etc catalogue , And display the current working directory path .

* Use command display /root Details of all file directories under the directory , Include hidden files .

* Create a directory using the command /root/linux, Then delete the directory .

* Using commands cat Using output redirection in /root Create file under directory abc, The contents of the document are “Hello,Linux!”, And view the contents of the file .

* Use the command to create with the default permission of 744 Directory of /root/ak, Then /root/abc Copy files to this directory , Finally, delete the directory and the files under it .

* see file /etc/passwd Before 3 Line content .

* create a file file1, The contents of the document are 3 that 's ok , Respectively a,c,b, Sort the file data , Display on screen .

* Use command display /etc/passwd File type of file .

9, In file /etc/passwd Search for matching characters in “root”.

five , empirical conclusion

   Through this experiment , I got it LINUX Issue file and directory operation commands :cd,ls,mkdir,rmdir,rm. Got it LINUX Next file information display command :cat,more
. Got it LINUX Next file copy , Delete and move commands :cp,mv. Got it LINUX File retrieval for , Sort command :grep,sort. Use while checking and recording , Deeper understanding .
