Love talk I :
foreach(var you in worlds) { if(you == "myLove"){ myHeart["mywife"] = you; }
Traverse the whole world , Just to find you ;

When I found that you are my true love ;

Then you're the one I'm looking for , My wife .

Love talk II :
if(yourHand == cold && weather == wint) giveyoulove(myHead.temperature) return
If your hands are cold in winter ;

Give you all the temperature on my hand ;

In exchange for your happy appearance .

Love talk III :
private void love(int you){ int i = you you = i; if (i -= you){ love(i); }
fall in love at first sight , mutual help and relief in time of poverty , Remain true to our original aspiration , True love lasts forever

Love talk IV :
while(life < end){ love++; } System.out.println("You are my whole world")
When life doesn't end , Love you constantly ;

You are my whole world .

Love talk five :
Void missing_you() For(time = meet_you;;time++) Missing you()
Since I met you , Just keep thinking of you .

Love talk six :
if(!myArms.has(you)) { yourHeart. push(me) }
Come to my arms , Or let me live in your heart .

Love talk seven :
while (life < end) { love++; }
Until death , Love you more every day .

Love talk 8 :
if(mountain.arris == None): if(river.water == None): if(winter.thunder ==
True): if(summer.snow == True): if(sky.height == ground.height): i.withyou =
False else : i.withyou = True
Mountain without Mausoleum , The river is exhausted , Winter thunder earthquake , Xia Yuxue , Harmony , I dare to be with you !

Love talk nine :
var you = function from_future_import(){}; var spring = { 'breezing':true,
'length':10 }; var i = []; i.sort([spring,you])==[you,spring]
Ten miles on the spring equinox is not as good as you

Love talk ten :
<?php while(me->met()==your->self()) { print("hello,world"); } } ?>
I've been looking for you, and when I find you, I find the world

Love talk 11 :
While 1: if meet_you:myday++ else:myday--
I meet you , Life is increasing , Otherwise, it's just a waste

Love talk 12 : When(U.appear()) I.turn(new World("Full with love."))
Young and ignorant

Until I met you

Feel the world full of love

Love talk 13 :
void missing_you() for(time=meet_you;;time++) Missing_you()
Since I met you , Just keep thinking about you
Let's keep going. Keep going

Love talk 14 :
while(random(0,7500000000)!=you){} while(ture){ love(you)}
king 75 In the vast sea of people

The first time I saw you

I fell in love with you forever
