What is your resume
Personal information and work ability delivered before looking for a job ---- Incomplete
Should be : Personal value embodiment at the current stage
the former : How much can I sell ; the latter : How much am I worth now

proposal : Every six months / Write a resume when you summarize yourself a year ( Equivalent to personal value summary )

The interview should be deliberate , Careful preparation
Internal promotion defense , Requires careful preparation (ppt, The speech should be carefully prepared for a month )
interview , resume , It also requires careful preparation

How do interviewers analyze a resume
Resume template and content
personal information
Educational experience
Professional skills
work experience
Project experience
Reflect your highlights
Course summary

be careful : Don't fake

* Academic fraud : Xuexin.com
* Falsification of work experience : Can back tune , Check social security records
* Big company hr There are alliances between them , Counterfeiting will be blacklisted
<> How do interviewers analyze a resume

* Look at the technology stack and project experience , Match current work ?
* See whether the working years and skills match ?
* If there is a blog or open source , Click to open it , Is the content valuable ?
* See at a glance , Looking for highlights
* If you find a bright spot , Then take a closer look at your resume
* According to working years , Prepare interview questions
<> Resume template and content

Principles of writing resume

* Think of yourself as an ordinary person , There are highlights to show , Don't wait for others to discover
* The technical stack should be written as comprehensively as possible , But don't exaggerate
* The technical ability should match the working years ( No : Write your resume casually , Talk about it during the interview )
Resume Template - What should be included in your resume

Download and create

* You can search online , Download resume template
* You can use it yourself word establish
* be careful : Resume should not be too fancy , Newspaper black words , Concise and clear
Template and sequence

* personal information
* Educational experience
* Professional skills
* work experience
* Project experience
* Self evaluation
“ Self evaluation ” Do you want to write

* If it's just empty words , Then don't write
* If there is actual content confirmation (eg: Love learning , Yes xx This technical book , I've been watching it recently 《xxx》), Then write it down
* Non work related information ( Such as interests and hobbies ) Don't write
<> Self evaluation

* Love learning , Yes xx This technical book , I've been watching it recently 《xxx》
* Love to share , Once organized in the company xx Secondary sharing , The most recent theme is :xxx
How many pages does your resume need

* Fresh student or 3 Less than years working experience :1-2 page
* 3 More than years working experience :2-3 page
* Do not compress deliberately , A page is too dense to read
matters needing attention

* Typo , Misspelled English words , Initial case
* For sending resume pdf format , Can be named < Resume of front end Engineer - full name .pdf>
* When you go to the interview , Print several resumes with
<> personal information - Don't write too much

Necessary information

* full name , Gender
* cell-phone number
* mailbox
<> personal information

* full name ( Gender )
* Telephone
* mailbox
* Blog , Open Source
Non essential information

* Photo
* Age ( Don't write age, but write educational experience ,xx Graduated in )
* Blog , Open Source ( If it's a temporary cramming type , No accumulation , unnecessary )
Don't write

* marital status
* Salary Expectation
* nation , Political outlook
<> Educational experience - Can a specialist enter a large factory ?

Necessary information

* school ( Time of admission and graduation )
* education
* major
<> Educational experience

* xxx university (20xx.x-20xx.x - major - undergraduate )
* Award
Bonus item

* Award ( Such as software competition , University Scholarships )
* certificate ( Soft test ,PMP)
* English (6 Level or above )
A specialist can also enter a large factory !— All big factories are not limited to education
Make your work achievements cover your education as soon as possible

<> Professional skills - What are the prerequisites for an interview ?

Clear entries

* One line for each skill , Write comprehensive , Write rich
* Don't be confused , Don't repeat
* Don't write too basic , as git svn vscode Do not write
Expression of proficiency

* understand ( Read the document , Yes demo, Not very deep , I haven't actually used it )
* be familiar with ( Already used , And use it skillfully , Know how to use it , Can you use it to do related work )
* master ( Use with caution )( Can skillfully use , And know the principle , Even read the source code )

<> Professional skills

* Familiar with computer foundation , Familiar with basic data structure and algorithm , Understand common design patterns
* Familiar with front-end Basics HTML CSS Javascript ES6, understand Typescript, be familiar with HTTP agreement
* be familiar with Vue2 Vue3 And its surroundings Vuex Vue-router ElementUI VantUI etc. , understand Vue principle
* be familiar with Webpack babel Common configuration , understand gitlab CI/CD to configure
* understand React, understand node.js
be careful : be familiar with , understand , Proficient use

Necessary professional skills for interview

* Data structure and algorithm ( Especially big factories )
* Front end Basics HTML CSS JS( especially JS, There are many points of knowledge )
* Front end frame Vue React Application and principle of
<> How to quickly supplement professional skills + Lecturer review resume ?

Unified routine of rapid learning and growth

* Find the scope and focus of the knowledge system
* deliberate practice
* Timely feedback (eg: Write an article , See if others can understand ; Help others answer questions ; Attend an interview , See if it can pass ; Do a practical project ; Do an open source project )
How to quickly supplement professional skills

* self-taught ( Save money and time )
* Learn from the teacher ( Spend money and save time )— recommend : Teacher's three interview courses , One stop front-end interview Teaching
Find your own self-study materials according to this course outline
one , Handle the front-end technology of large factories
two , Front end framework and project interview
three , Front end interview: big factory real problem 100 topic
( in total 75h)

<> work experience - Programmers don't just write code

Fresh students should have internship experience

Necessary information

* company ( Entry and exit time )
* role ( Usually front-end Engineer , Head of front-end development , Front end development team leader , Front end Intern )
* duty
About responsibilities

* Communication review requirements
* project management
* Technical scheme design review
* Code Review
* Organizational learning and sharing
* Lead team , With interns
<> work experience ( Internship experience )

company 1

* time :xxx-xxx
* role : Front end Engineer
* duty : and PM Communication needs ; Technical scheme design of new functions ; Front end code development ; coordination QA test ; Online monitoring and repair Bug;
company 1

<> Project experience - apply STAR Model , Comprehensive display

Project experience is not a daily account , But to prove professional skills
if You haven't done a project ,but You know this project very well , What technology is there , How , How does it work , How to manage , All know , You can write it on your resume
Project experience is like telling a story

<> Project experience

project 1

Project introduction
Drug sales mall . Users can buy drugs and deliver them home quickly , There are also various marketing strategies . include PC and H5. Active user 30w+, average per day PV 300w+( Reflect project complexity , So as to reflect the ability )
Technology stack

* frame :Vue + Vuex + Vue-router + ElementUI + VantUI
* structure :Webpack + babel
* test :jest + cypress
* CI/CD: gitlab CI + jenkins + Alibaba cloud
* Statistics and monitoring :Arms
* project management : teambation + jira
Work and achievements

* Be responsible for statistical project performance test , Error monitoring . Score items from 70 Points raised to 90 branch
* Responsible for personal Center , Receiving address , Coupon development . lead 2 people , A month from 0 Design , development , Test and release , No extension
* Participate in the development of product details page . Period analysis page code , Pull out 10 Common components
project 2
project 3

be careful : be responsible for , Use of participation

matters needing attention

* Don't call the project name “ Imitate xxx”
* Don't exceed the items in your resume 3 individual , Can reflect skills
* Fresh students have no project experience , Can write curriculum design or graduation project
<> Discover your highlights


* Technology cattle don't need highlights , Have personal achievements
* Ordinary programmers have no personal achievements , We need to explore the highlights
* The highlight is in daily work
Discover highlights

* personal information : Quality blog , Open source works
* Self evaluation : Can really reflect their learning enthusiasm and ability
* Educational experience : certificate , Award , English
* Professional skills : Comprehensive technical stack , Have depth , Have breadth
* work experience : Other capabilities besides development , inter-disciplinary talent
* Project experience : Reflect your work achievements
matters needing attention

* The premise for the highlight to work : Pass the basic skills + Match current position
* Technology stack is too single ( Can only use Vue) This is a short board
* Some need daily accumulation
<> Course summary

a key

* Resumes need careful preparation , The interview needs careful preparation
* Highlights need to be deliberately explored
* Don't fake
Resume content

* personal information
* Educational experience
* Professional skills
* work experience
* Project experience
* Self evaluation
