
I often think , In recent years, layoffs in the Internet industry have become more and more serious , Why are there still so many people trying to get into this industry , In particular, most people who have worked will also want to change careers to learn programming , According to this year's college entrance examination voluntary filling situation , Obviously , Computer science has become a hot industry , That's for new students and people who want to change careers , How to start learning a programming language , It's really a big problem .

therefore , Today is about Java This kind of programming language , We also have the following content to share for beginners , After reading this content, it can be said to be quite wonderful , Produced by Ali internally “Java Beginner development dictionary ”, It is a must for employment , Now hi turn the whole network .

The following will be from Java Beginners need to master the hard power and soft power of bonus items , The content involves the technical points that beginners need to master and the use of tools , I hope it can be helpful to friends who have just started or changed careers :

This Java The content of the developer's beginner's dictionary includes :

Hard power required for entry :

* Java Basic double disk :Java Basic grammar + object-oriented +J2SE I+J2SE II
* Web On programming :MySQL database +JDBC programming +Web Front end Foundation +Servlet+JSP
* SSM Entry to mastery :Spring+SpringMVC+Mybatis( Business city management system -SSM, Enterprise authority management system )
* SpringBoot+SpringCloud Distributed development :SpringBoot+SpringCloud( be based on SpringBoot Actual combat of mall management system based on )
* Oracel database
Your soft power :

* Linux
* Git
* maven

one ,Java Basic double disk

1.Java Basic grammar

* Introduction to program introduction and development environment
* variable , data type , operator
* Branching structure (if/switch)
* Cyclic structure
* Object oriented Foundation
* array + data structure + algorithm

2. object-oriented

* encapsulation , Classes and objects , object-oriented
* Relationship between classes ( relation , rely on , generalization , gather )
* Object oriented encapsulation , inherit , polymorphic
* access control ,final, static( Class method , constant , class ),
* abstract class , Interface , Inner class
* Design mode : Singleton mode , Factory mode

3.J2SE I

* API Help documentation , Commonly used APl introduce (String, Math)
* Date operation class :Date,Calendar, DataFormat
* Collection class , data structure , Set sorting
* exception handling
* JDK8 New features :Lambda, Functional interface ,StreamAPl
* JDK9 New features


* File File operation
* I0 Stream operation
* Multithreading and concurrent programming
* TCP,UDP, Socket programming , HTTP/HTTPS agreement
* Class loading + reflex
* Graphic technology GUI ( Selected studies )

two ,Web On programming

1.MySQL database

* Database principle SQL
* Data types and functions
* SQL Basic grammar , Association query
* SQL Advanced query , Paging query
* view , Indexes , constraint
* stored procedure , trigger
* Database design and modeling I have PowerDesigner

2.JDBC programming

* JDBC principle , Basic programming
* JDBC core API
* JDBC Advanced programming ,DAO pattern
* Connection pool technology Druid. C3P0,DBCP
* currency CRUD Solution DBUtils
* Things Management + Thing isolation domain

3.Web Front end Foundation

* web summary ,HTML summary , HTML text processing , image , Hyperlinks , form , form
* CSS summary ,CSS grammar ,CSS selector , Reuse attribute
* JavaScript Basic grammar , function , event , Reuse attribute
* DOM Operation form validation
* JQuery summary ,JQuery selector , JQuery operation DOM
* JQuery event


* Web container :Tomcat introduce , Common configuration , use
* Servlet Basics ,HTTP agreement , Servelt working principle ,Servlet life cycle
* JSP grammar ,JSP Operating principle , forward , redirect ,JSP Development FAQs
* JSTL,EL expression , filter , monitor
* Session tracking technology (Cookie,Session)
* File upload , download , Verification Code , QR code ,Excel File parsing
* AJAX And Json data format ,Redis Cache technology

three ,SSM Entry to mastery




4. Business city management system SSM edition

four ,SpringBoot+SpringCloud Distributed development




Tell the truth , Whether you are new to this industry , Or have you been in this industry for many years , Want to gain a foothold in this industry , Learning is the best way . From my personal point of view , Want to stand at the top of the pagoda in an industry , Time and effort are the best witness , Take time to learn , It will certainly bring corresponding returns , Especially in the Internet industry , Anything is possible .

If you're right Java be interested , Want to learn , Or change yourself , Then take action as soon as possible , Maybe this Java Beginners can help you improve yourself by developing treasure books .
