At present, there are two latest Ubuntu edition :Ubuntu 16.04.6 and Ubuntu 18.04.2, Which version should I use better ? under normal conditions Ubuntu
18.04.2 It's a higher version , This version should be selected if the computer configuration can keep up , It's just Ubuntu
18.04 Second updated maintenance version of , There is a steady stream of updates behind , and Ubuntu 16.04.6 Already Ubuntu
16.04 The sixth updated version of , Has reached the peak of version update , Of course, this version will be very stable , It is more suitable for users with low computer configuration . in addition , Youqilin 16.04.6
LTS Yes Ubuntu 16.04.6 Improve the development efficiency on the basis of , More in line with China Ubuntu User use , Options can be considered .

Download and update instructions

Selection suggestion

1, Whether you're on a desktop or a server system , choice Ubuntu 16.04.6 and Ubuntu 18.04.2 The best basis is based on the computer configuration ,Ubuntu
16.04.6 Save some resources , You can also choose a lower stable version of the software installed inside , therefore , Users with low hardware configuration should choose Ubuntu
16.04.6, To get the best performance . Configure enough users to select Ubuntu
18.04.2, To get technical support for a longer time , what's more , Some new stable versions of software can be run in this system version .

2, Recommended for server use Ubuntu 16.04.x Upgrade your users to Ubuntu 16.04.6 that will do , use Ubuntu 18.04.x Upgrade your users to Ubuntu
18.04.2 that will do , Because cross version upgrade may bring uncertain risks , at present Ubuntu Increased support for server versions , There may be an extension Ubuntu 16.04 Support period policy .

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