Experiment 2 : Gathering and obstacle avoidance

one , Experimental purpose

Master the artificial intelligence algorithm of aggregation and obstacle avoidance in the game , Understand the difference between wide vision and limited vision

two , Experimental instrument

Microsoft Visual Studio2019

three , Experimental principle and process

// Describe the algorithm principle of aggregation and obstacle avoidance

// Describe the idea of program implementation, including the description of each call API Detailed description

The agent only considers which obstacles are in the detection box . 

1. At the beginning , All obstacles in the game world should be iterated into memory , And mark the obstacles in the detection box for further analysis , Then all the marked obstacles are transformed into the local space of the agent . 

2. After converting coordinates , those x Objects with negative coordinates will not be considered , So the problem becomes much simpler , Next, it is necessary to detect whether the obstacle overlaps with the detection box . Expand the surrounding radius of the obstacle by half the width of the detection box . Then test the of the obstacle y Is the value less than this value ( That is, the surrounding radius of the obstacle plus half of the width of the detection box ).

here , There are only those obstacles that intersect the detection box .

3. Next, we find the intersection point closest to the agent . 

Calculate again in local space , In the third step, the surrounding radius of the obstacle is expanded .

The expanded circle sum can be obtained by using a simple line circumference intersection test method x Intersection of axes .

four , experimental result

five , Experimental experience ( What deficiencies need to be included and how to improve )

// What do you think are the shortcomings of the current gathering and obstacle avoidance , How to improve

There are still some deficiencies in the design of the program , There are still some minor flaws in obstacle avoidance , Occasionally, obstacle avoidance is not carried out , But it is also a rare time .

Only by constantly improving the code and algorithm for reasonable and correct calculation .

six , Main code

#include "main.h"

#include "time.h"



Book:           AI for Game Developers

Authors:        David M. Bourg & Glenn Seemann

Example:        Flocking, Chapter 4



#define          _TIMESTEP                                     0.0025

#define          _TOL                                               1e-10

#define          _FWDTIME                                     10

#define          _THRUSTFACTOR                                  1.0

#define     _CHASESETUP                                        true

#define          _SPAWN_AREA_R                                  100

#define          _MAX_NUM_UNITS                              20

#define          _UNIT_LENGTH                              4

#define          _OBSTACLE_RADIUS_FACTOR                    8

#define          _OBSTACLE_RADIUS                     _OBSTACLE_RADIUS_FACTOR


#define          _WIDEVIEW_RADIUS_FACTOR                          200

#define          _NARROWVIEW_RADIUS_FACTOR                    50

#define          _LIMITEDVIEW_RADIUS_FACTOR              30

#define          _SEPARATION_FACTOR                        5

#define          _BACK_VIEW_ANGLE_FACTOR                  1

#define          _FRONT_VIEW_ANGLE_FACTOR         1

#define          _NUM_OBSTACLES                               8

// Global Variables:

int                        FrameCounter = 0;

RigidBody2D        Units[_MAX_NUM_UNITS];

Vector                   Target;

Vector                   Obstacles[_NUM_OBSTACLES];

bool Initialize(void)


       int i;

       GetRandomNumber(0, _WINWIDTH, true);


       for(i=0; i<_MAX_NUM_UNITS; i++)


              Units[i].fMass = 10;

              Units[i].fInertia = 10;

              Units[i].fInertiaInverse = 1/10;

              Units[i].vPosition.x =

              Units[i].vPosition.y =

              Units[i].fWidth = _UNIT_LENGTH/2;

              Units[i].fLength = _UNIT_LENGTH;

              Units[i].fHeight = _UNIT_LENGTH;

              Units[i].fOrientation = GetRandomNumber(0, 360, false); 

              Units[i].CD.y = -0.12*Units[i].fLength;       Units[i].CD.x =
0.0f;                   // coordinates of the body center of drag

              Units[i].CT.y = -0.50*Units[i].fLength;       Units[i].CT.x =
0.0f;                    // coordinates of the propeller thrust vector

              Units[i].CPT.y = 0.5*Units[i].fLength;        Units[i].CPT.x =
-0.5*Units[i].fWidth; // coordinates of the port bow thruster

              Units[i].CST.y = 0.5*Units[i].fLength;        Units[i].CST.x =
0.5*Units[i].fWidth;  // coordinates of the starboard bow thruster

              Units[i].ProjectedArea = (Units[i].fLength + Units[i].fWidth) *

              Units[i].Leader = false;




                     Units[i].Interceptor = true;

                     Units[i].ThrustForce = _THRUSTFORCE*1.5f;

              } else {

                     Units[i].Interceptor = false;

                     Units[i].ThrustForce = _THRUSTFORCE;



       for(i=0; i<_NUM_OBSTACLES; i++)


              Obstacles[i].x = GetRandomNumber(_OBSTACLE_RADIUS*4,

              Obstacles[i].y =


       return true;


void DoUnitAI(int i)



              int          j;

              int          N;

              Vector     Pave;

              Vector     Vave;

              Vector     Fs;

              Vector     Pfs;

              Vector     d, u, v, w;

              double    m;

              int          Nf;

              bool InView;

              bool DoFlock = WideView || LimitedView || NarrowView;

              int          RadiusFactor;

              // begin Flock AI

              Fs.x = Fs.y = Fs.z = 0;

              Pave.x = Pave.y = Pave.z = 0;

              Vave.x = Vave.y = Vave.z = 0;

              N = 0;

              Pfs.x = 0;

              Pfs.y = Units[i].fLength / 2.0f;

              Nf = 0;


              for(j=1; j<_MAX_NUM_UNITS; j++)




                            InView = false;

                            d = Units[j].vPosition - Units[i].vPosition;

                            w = VRotate2D(-Units[i].fOrientation, d);


                            if(((w.y > 0) && (fabs(w.x) <

                                   if(d.Magnitude() <= (Units[i].fLength *




                                   InView = ((w.y > 0) || ((w.y < 0) &&
(fabs(w.x) > fabs(w.y)*_BACK_VIEW_ANGLE_FACTOR)));

                                   RadiusFactor = _WIDEVIEW_RADIUS_FACTOR;




                                   InView = (w.y > 0);

                                   RadiusFactor = _LIMITEDVIEW_RADIUS_FACTOR;




                                   InView = (((w.y > 0) && (fabs(w.x) <

                                   RadiusFactor = _NARROWVIEW_RADIUS_FACTOR;



                            if(InView && (Units[i].Interceptor ==


                                   if(d.Magnitude() <= (Units[i].fLength *


                                          Pave += Units[j].vPosition;

                                          Vave += Units[j].vVelocity;




                            // Separation Rule:

                            if(InView)//(w.y > 0) || ((w.y < 0) && (fabs(w.x)
> fabs(w.y)*_BACK_VIEW_ANGLE_FACTOR)))


                                   if(d.Magnitude() <= (Units[i].fLength *


                                          if(w.x < 0) m = 1;

                                          if(w.x > 0) m =


                                          Fs.x += m*_STEERINGFORCE *
(Units[i].fLength * _SEPARATION_FACTOR) / d.Magnitude();







              // Cohesion Rule:

              if(DoFlock && (N > 0))


                     Pave = Pave / N;

                     v = Units[i].vVelocity;


                     u = Pave - Units[i].vPosition;


                     w = VRotate2D(-Units[i].fOrientation, u);

                     if(w.x < 0) m = -1;

                     if(w.x > 0) m = 1;

                     if(fabs(v*u) < 1.0f)

                            Fs.x += m * _STEERINGFORCE * acos(v * u) / pi;


              // Alignment Rule:

              if(DoFlock && (N > 0))


                     Vave = Vave / N;

                     u = Vave;


                     v = Units[i].vVelocity;


                     w = VRotate2D(-Units[i].fOrientation, u);

                     if(w.x < 0) m = -1;

                     if(w.x > 0) m = 1;

                     if(fabs(v*u) < 1)

                            Fs.x += m * _STEERINGFORCE * acos(v * u) / pi;


              // Chase the target if the unit is a leader



                     if(Nf == 0)

                            Units[i].Leader = true;


                            Units[i].Leader = false;

                     if((Units[i].Leader || !DoFlock))





                                   u = Units[0].vPosition;

                                   d = u - Units[i].vPosition;

                                   w = VRotate2D(-Units[i].fOrientation, d);

                                   if(w.x < 0) m = -1;

                                   if(w.x > 0) m = 1;

                                   Fs.x += m*_STEERINGFORCE;

                            } else {

                                   // Intercept           

                                   Vector     s1, s2, s12;

                                   double    tClose;   

                                   Vector     Vr12;

                                   Vr12 =
Units[0].vVelocity-Units[i].vVelocity; // closing velocity

                                   s12 = Units[0].vPosition -
Units[i].vPosition; // range to close

                                   tClose = s12.Magnitude() /
Vr12.Magnitude(); // time to close

                                   s1 = Units[0].vPosition +
(Units[0].vVelocity * tClose);

                                   Target = s1;

                                   s2 = s1 - Units[i].vPosition;  

                                   w = VRotate2D(-Units[i].fOrientation, s2); 

                                   if(w.x < 0) m = -1;

                                   if(w.x > 0) m = 1;

                                   Fs.x += m*_STEERINGFORCE;





              // Collision avoidance (with static obstacles)

              Vector     a, p, b;          


              for(j=0; j<_NUM_OBSTACLES; j++)


                     u = Units[i].vVelocity;


                     v = u * _COLLISION_VISIBILITY_FACTOR * Units[i].fLength;


                     a = Obstacles[j] - Units[i].vPosition;

                     p = (a * u) * u;

                     b = p - a;

                     if((b.Magnitude() < _OBSTACLE_RADIUS) && (p.Magnitude() <


                            // impending collision...steer away

                            w = VRotate2D(-Units[i].fOrientation, a);


                            if(w.x < 0) m = 1;

                            if(w.x > 0) m = -1;

                            Fs.x += m * _STEERINGFORCE *
(_COLLISION_VISIBILITY_FACTOR * Units[i].fLength)/a.Magnitude();





              // apply accumulated steering force

              Units[i].Fa = Fs;

              Units[i].Pa = Pfs;

              // end Flock AI


void UpdateSimulation(void)


       double    dt = _TIMESTEP;

       int          i;


       // initialize the back buffer

       if(FrameCounter >= _RENDER_FRAME_COUNT)






       // Update player controlled unit:   

       Units[0].SetThrusters(false, false, 1);

       Units[0].SetThrusters(false, false, 1);

       if (IsKeyDown(VK_RIGHT))

              Units[0].SetThrusters(true, false, 0.5);

       if (IsKeyDown(VK_LEFT))

              Units[0].SetThrusters(false, true, 0.5);


       if(FrameCounter >= _RENDER_FRAME_COUNT)

              DrawCraft(Units[0], RGB(0, 255, 0));

       if(Units[0].vPosition.x > _WINWIDTH) Units[0].vPosition.x = 0;

       if(Units[0].vPosition.x < 0) Units[0].vPosition.x = _WINWIDTH;

       if(Units[0].vPosition.y > _WINHEIGHT) Units[0].vPosition.y = 0;

       if(Units[0].vPosition.y < 0) Units[0].vPosition.y = _WINHEIGHT;


       // update computer controlled units:     

       for(i=1; i<_MAX_NUM_UNITS; i++)





              if(FrameCounter >= _RENDER_FRAME_COUNT)



                            DrawCraft(Units[i], RGB(255,0,0));

                     else {


                                   DrawCraft(Units[i], RGB(255,0,255));       


                                   DrawCraft(Units[i], RGB(0,0,255));



              if(Units[i].vPosition.x > _WINWIDTH) Units[i].vPosition.x = 0;

              if(Units[i].vPosition.x < 0) Units[i].vPosition.x = _WINWIDTH;

              if(Units[i].vPosition.y > _WINHEIGHT) Units[i].vPosition.y = 0;

              if(Units[i].vPosition.y < 0) Units[i].vPosition.y =

       } // end i-loop

       if(FrameCounter >= _RENDER_FRAME_COUNT) {


              FrameCounter = 0;

       }  else



void DrawCraft(RigidBody2D      craft, COLORREF clr)


       Vector     vList[5];

       double    wd, lg;

       int          i;

       Vector     v1;

       wd = craft.fWidth;

       lg = craft.fLength;

       vList[0].y = lg/2;    vList[0].x = wd/2;

       vList[1].y = -lg/2;   vList[1].x = wd/2;

       vList[2].y = -lg/2;   vList[2].x = -wd/2;

       vList[3].y = lg/2;    vList[3].x = -wd/2;

       vList[4].y = lg/2*1.5; vList[4].x = 0;

       for(i=0; i<5; i++)


              v1 = VRotate2D(craft.fOrientation, vList[i]);

              vList[i] = v1 + craft.vPosition;                  


       DrawLine(vList[0].x, vList[0].y, vList[1].x, vList[1].y, 2, clr);

       DrawLine(vList[1].x, vList[1].y, vList[2].x, vList[2].y, 2, clr);

       DrawLine(vList[2].x, vList[2].y, vList[3].x, vList[3].y, 2, clr);

       DrawLine(vList[3].x, vList[3].y, vList[4].x, vList[4].y, 2, clr);

       DrawLine(vList[4].x, vList[4].y, vList[0].x, vList[0].y, 2, clr);



              Vector     v, u;

              double    f = 0.025;

              // Show velocity vectors in green

              DrawLine(craft.vPosition.x, craft.vPosition.y,
craft.vPosition.x+craft.vVelocity.x, craft.vPosition.y+craft.vVelocity.y, 3,


              // Show force vectors in black

              // thrust vector

              v.x = 0;

              v.y = craft.ThrustForce*f;

              v = VRotate2D(craft.fOrientation, v);

              u.x = craft.CT.x;

              u.y = craft.CT.y;

              u = VRotate2D(craft.fOrientation, u);

              DrawLine(craft.vPosition.x+u.x, craft.vPosition.y+u.y,
craft.vPosition.x + u.x + v.x, craft.vPosition.y + u.y + v.y, 1, RGB(0,0,0));

              // port steering force

              v.x = craft.PThrust.x*f;

              v.y = craft.PThrust.y*f;

              v = VRotate2D(craft.fOrientation, v);

              u.x = craft.CPT.x;

              u.y = craft.CPT.y;

              u = VRotate2D(craft.fOrientation, u);

              DrawLine(craft.vPosition.x+u.x, craft.vPosition.y+u.y,
craft.vPosition.x + u.x + v.x, craft.vPosition.y + u.y + v.y, 1, RGB(0,0,0));

              // stbd steering force

              v.x = craft.SThrust.x*f;

              v.y = craft.SThrust.y*f;

              v = VRotate2D(craft.fOrientation, v);

              u.x = craft.CST.x;

              u.y = craft.CST.y;

              u = VRotate2D(craft.fOrientation, u);

              DrawLine(craft.vPosition.x+u.x, craft.vPosition.y+u.y,
craft.vPosition.x + u.x + v.x, craft.vPosition.y + u.y + v.y, 1, RGB(0,0,0));

              // applied force

              v.x = craft.Fa.x*f;

              v.y = craft.Fa.y*f;

              v = VRotate2D(craft.fOrientation, v);

              u.x = craft.Pa.x;

              u.y = craft.Pa.y;

              u = VRotate2D(craft.fOrientation, u);

              DrawLine(craft.vPosition.x+u.x, craft.vPosition.y+u.y,
craft.vPosition.x + u.x + v.x, craft.vPosition.y + u.y + v.y, 1, RGB(0,0,0));



void DrawObstacles(void)


       int          i;

       RECT     r;

       int          radius = _OBSTACLE_RADIUS/2;

       for(i=0; i<_NUM_OBSTACLES; i++)


              SetRect(&r, Obstacles[i].x - radius, Obstacles[i].y - radius,
Obstacles[i].x + radius, Obstacles[i].y + radius);

              DrawEllipse(&r, 2, RGB(255,0,0));




void DoAttractCraft2(void)


       // Apply Leonard-Jones potential force to Craft2

       // todo: make sure rigidbody calcloads function handles it

       Vector     r = Craft2.vPosition - Craft1.vPosition;

       Vector  u = r;


       double    k1 = 0.5e2; // repel

       double    k2 = 1.0e2; // attract

       Craft2.Fa = VRotate2D( -Craft2.fOrientation,
((k1*pow(Craft2.fLength*5/r.Magnitude(), 4) -
k2*pow(Craft2.fLength*3/r.Magnitude(), 2)) ) * u);

       Craft2.Pa.x = 0;

       Craft2.Pa.y = Craft2.fLength / 2;

       Target = Craft1.vPosition;




int GetRandomNumber(int min, int max, bool seed)


       int   number; 


              srand( (unsigned)time( NULL ) );


    number = (((abs(rand())%(max-min+1))+min));   



              number = max;


           number = min;


       return number;

