In a project , Basically every page needs to query data ? So how to achieve it , today , Let's learn about multi table query . On multi table query , Naturally, we think of the multi table query in the database , The query in the database is actually the same as the query in the database MVC The query in is very similar .
Database query :

                        SELECT Column name FROM Table name ;

                        give an example :

MVC Query for :

of course , If it's multiple tables , Right here from Let's connect the relationships between tables , In the back Select Find the fields you need . Take the following example :

public ActionResult SeacherCheck(LayuiTablePage layuiTablePage, int MedMesID)


var listEntry = from tbMedHouseDetail in myModels.SYS_MedHouseDetail

                join tbMedMes in myModels.SYS_MedMes on
tbMedHouseDetail.MedMesIDequals tbMedMes.MedMesID

                join tbManufacturer in myModels.SYS_Manufacturer on
tbMedMes.ManufacturerIDequals tbManufacturer.ManufacturerID

                join tbMedHouse in myModels.SYS_MedHouse on
tbMedHouseDetail.MedHouseIDequals tbMedHouse.MedHouseID

                orderby tbMedHouseDetail.MedHouseDatileID descending

                select new Apply


                    MedMesID = tbMedMes.MedMesID,

                    MedHouseDatileID = tbMedHouseDetail.MedHouseDatileID,

                    ManufacturerID = tbManufacturer.ManufacturerID,

                    MedName = tbMedMes.MedName,

                    Repertory = tbMedHouseDetail.Repertory,

                    MedicineUnit = tbMedMes.MedicineUnit,

                    MedicineSpecificat = tbMedMes.MedicineSpecificat,

                    MedicineDate = tbMedMes.MedicineDate,

                    MedicineValidity = tbMedMes.MedicineValidity,

                    MedHouseName = tbMedHouse.MedHouseName,

                    ManufacturerName = tbManufacturer.ManufacturerName


var intTotalRow = listReturn.Count();

List<Apply> list =

// Calling the paging wrapper class

LayuiTableData<Apply> layuiTableDate = new LayuiTableData<Apply>();

layuiTableDate.count = intTotalRow; // Total rows

layuiTableDate.data = list; // Specific display data

return Json(layuiTableDate, JsonRequestBehavior.AllowGet);


Since there are many tables , Then it may not escape, it may appear conditional screening , Here is the code for conditional filtering , But don't forget to give it a parameter when writing conditional filter , When transferring page values , Don't use links URL pattern , It must be replaced by data pattern ( Limited in use Layui Form time )

if (MedMesID > 0)


istReturn = listReturn.Where(m => m.MedMesID == MedMesID);

