Development technology : Wechat applet client + Java Background server + mysql database

Project total 2 Identity , Administrator and student identity . Small program client students can view the teacher's elegant demeanor information after opening , Query course information and select courses , Home page can query the campus news bulletin ; If students want to query their grades and selected courses, they need to bind their student number and password first ! Students can also withdraw the selected courses ; Administrator in web Release and manage class information , Student information , Teacher information , Course information , Achievement information , news information ! Among them, students for the course they have chosen , If you repeat the course selection, it won't be successful , The administrator then registers the student grades , If the student has not taken this course or has added a grade , There are also logical judgments , Don't worry about adding data repeatedly !

Class information : Class number , Class name , Major , Date of Incorporation , headmaster , contact number , Additional information
Student information : Student number , full name , password , Gender , Class , date of birth , Political outlook , Student photos , contact number , Student email , contact qq, Home address , Additional information , WeChat openid
Teacher information : Teacher number , Teacher's name , Gender , date of birth , Entry date , ID number , contact number , Teacher photos , Home address , Additional information
Course information : Course number , Course name , Class teacher , Class time , Class location , course credit , Additional information
Course selection : record id, Elective students , Choose a course , Course selection time
Achievement information : Record number , student , curriculum , Score , Student evaluation
news information : Record number , News headlines , News content , Date of issue , News pictures
