title: vs2019 Installation configuration MFC
time: 2019 year 8 month 27 day 22:55:57

<>vs2019 MFC

<> install MFC

open vs erection sequence

Select c++ Desktop development

choice Visual Studio Extended development

( For quick configuration ) choice C++ MFC Generation tools (x86 and x64) Install

Select Modify , Waiting for installation

Create a new project , choice MFC application

<> Empty project to configure MFC Fast build

* New header file #include<afxwin.h>//mfc Header file // Application class CWinApp, definition MyAPP class , As a derived class ( Subclass ) class
MyApp : public CWinApp { public: // Virtual function of base class ( Interface ), Subclass to implement //MFC The entry address of the program virtual BOOL
InitInstance(); };// The end of the class should be defined ; class MyFrame:public CFrameWnd { public: MyFrame();
// Constructors };
New source file
#include "mfc.h" MyApp myapp; // Represents the constructor that calls the header file MyFrame::MyFrame() { // Create entry Create
(NULL, TEXT(" My first one MFC window ")); } // Implement parent class method BOOL MyApp::InitInstance() { //1, Creating frame class objects
MyFrame* myframe = new MyFrame; // Call the method defined above //2, Display window myframe->ShowWindow(
SW_SHOWNORMAL); //3, update windows myframe->UpdateWindow(); //4, Save frame class object pointer m_pMainWnd =
myframe; return TRUE;// Initialization is normal , return true }
project ---- attribute ---- Configuration properties ---- senior ----MFC The use of is set to be shared DLL Used in MFC


Unresolved external symbol _main, The symbol is in the function "int __cdecl invoke_main(void)" report errors

* project ---- attribute ---- Configuration properties ---- Linker ---- system ---- Set subsystem as window Windows
<> Message mapping

Declare macro , write to .h in
// Declare message mapping macro , Must be in a class declaration ( Equivalent to an open entrance ) DECLARE_MESSAGE_MAP();
Boundary macro
BEGIN_MESSAGE_MAP(MyFrame, CFrameWnd)// start END_MESSAGE_MAP()// end
Find message macro , Put it in the middle of the boundary macro
// Boundary macro // Define message macro , Must be in class implementation BEGIN_MESSAGE_MAP(MyFrame, CFrameWnd)// start
ON_WM_LBUTTONDOWN()// Press the left mouse button ON_WM_CHAR()// keyboard ON_WM_PAINT()// mapping END_MESSAGE_MAP()
// end
Find function prototype , The statement reads .h in
// Declaration of function // mouse afx_msg void OnLButtonDown(UINT nFlags, CPoint point); // keyboard
afx_msgvoid OnChar(UINT, UINT, UINT); // mapping afx_msg void OnPaint();
The realization of function , write to .cpp in
void MyFrame::OnLButtonDown(UINT nFlags, CPoint point) { // The way to the bottom /*TCHAR
b[1024]; wsprintf(b, TEXT("x = %d,y = %d"), point.x, point.y); MessageBox(b);*/
//mfc String in ,CString CString str; str.Format(TEXT("x coordinate :%d,y coordinate :%d"), point.x, point
.y); MessageBox(str); } void MyFrame::OnChar(UINT key, UINT, UINT) { CString str
; str.Format(TEXT(" It's pressed %c key "), key); MessageBox(str); } void MyFrame::OnPaint() {
CPaintDCdc(this); char str[1024] = TEXT("Inifited");// out-of-service String dc.TextOutA(100
, 100, str); dc.TextOutA(100, 200, TEXT("harder")); dc.Ellipse(100, 100, 200,
200); }
Header file
#include<afxwin.h>//mfc Header file // Application class CWinApp, definition MyAPP class , As a derived class ( Subclass ) class MyApp :
public CWinApp { public: // Virtual function of base class ( Interface ), Subclass to implement //MFC The entry address of the program virtual BOOL
InitInstance(); };// To define a class, add ; class MyFrame:public CFrameWnd { public: MyFrame();
// Constructors // Declare message mapping macro , Must be in a class declaration ( Equivalent to an open entrance ) DECLARE_MESSAGE_MAP(); // Declaration of function // mouse afx_msg
void OnLButtonDown(UINT nFlags, CPoint point); // keyboard afx_msg void OnChar(UINT,
UINT, UINT); // mapping afx_msg void OnPaint(); };
source file
#include "mfc.h"// Import header file MyApp myapp; // Represents the constructor that calls the header file MyFrame::MyFrame() { // Create entry
Create(NULL, TEXT(" My first one MFC window ")); } // Boundary macro // Define message macro , Must be in class implementation BEGIN_MESSAGE_MAP(
MyFrame, CFrameWnd)// start ON_WM_LBUTTONDOWN()// Press the left mouse button ON_WM_CHAR()// keyboard ON_WM_PAINT
()// mapping END_MESSAGE_MAP()// end void MyFrame::OnLButtonDown(UINT nFlags, CPoint
point) { // The way to the bottom /*TCHAR b[1024]; wsprintf(b, TEXT("x = %d,y = %d"), point.x,
point.y); MessageBox(b);*/ //mfc String in ,CString CString str; str.Format(TEXT(
"x coordinate :%d,y coordinate :%d"), point.x, point.y); MessageBox(str); } void MyFrame::OnChar(
UINT key, UINT, UINT) { CString str; str.Format(TEXT(" It's pressed %c key "), key);
MessageBox(str); } void MyFrame::OnPaint() { CPaintDC dc(this); char str[1024] =
TEXT("Inifited"); dc.TextOutA(100, 100, str); dc.TextOutA(100, 200, TEXT(
"harder")); dc.Ellipse(100, 100, 200, 200); } // Implement parent class method BOOL MyApp::InitInstance(
) { //1, Creating frame class objects MyFrame* myframe = new MyFrame; // Call the method defined above //2, Display window myframe->
ShowWindow(SW_SHOWNORMAL); //3, update windows myframe->UpdateWindow(); //4, Save frame class object pointer
m_pMainWnd= myframe; return TRUE;// Initialization is normal , return true }
Windows character set

c++ In string operation
#include<string> #include <iostream> using namespace std; int main() {
// use string insert #include <string> string s = "hello"; cout << s << endl; const char
* c = s.c_str();//string Type to char type , Add it in front of it const cout << c << endl;// output c What the pointer points to
cout<< *c << endl;// output c The first character the pointer points to cout << *(c + 1) << endl;// output c The second character the pointer points to cout
<< *c + 1 << endl;// output c The next character of the first character the pointer points to ASCII The serial number of the code cout << char(*c + 1) << endl;
// hold ascii Code to character // appear "const char *" Value of type cannot be used for initialization "char *" Entity of type
// Right click item -> attribute ->C/C++-> language -> Conformity mode : Choose no // Count the length of multibytes char* ch = "helloWorld"; int num =
strlen(ch); cout << num << endl; // Counts the string length of wide bytes wchar_t* wc = L"start"; int num2
= wcslen(wc); cout << num2 << endl; return 0; }
Multi byte string to wide byte L
// The default is Unicode, Wide byte , and “aaa” It's multibyte , To be able to output , You need to aaa Add one before L, Convert to wide byte MessageBox(L"baa");
Declare wide byte string wchar_t
wchar_t* wc = L"start";
Statistics wide byte string wcslen
int num2 = wcslen(wc);
Text Adaptive transcoding is done
// Plus Text then is , Conversion of adaptive coding MessageBox(TEXT("aaa"));
//TChar() It's also adaptive coding conversion . So in mfc Recommended in TChar() instead of Char
char* And CString The transformation of
//char* And CString Conversion between //1,char* turn CString char* p = "right"; CString cs = CString
(p);// Call the parameterized constructor . //2,CString turn char* CStringA csa = cs; char* ps = csa.GetBuffer();
// If you want to string And CString transformation , You need to put it first string Convert to char* Let's go again char* And CString transformation
utilize vs Wizard creation mfc

* technological process
* Single document
* MFC standard
* complete
* view
* Class view
* Add mouse , keyboard , mapping
* The frame window is the parent of the view window , The view window is over the frame window , So add a message to the view window
* Right click CMFCView Properties of , Click on the message , Choose what you need add That's it
