Data analysis and data operation , Data mining is a small chapter in the whole life of data development .
The threshold of data mining is higher than data analysis , It involves more algorithms and tuning, and how to apply a certain model to practice .

Data analysis is based on business needs , Mining valuable information in data , Use the right tools again ( such as excel,tableau,echarts And other visualization tools , Turn the value contained in the data into a table , chart , Words and other forms ).
Nearly one month of data analysis interview experience , I feel the atmosphere of different companies . Large and small factories have their own styles , Small factories stress efficiency first , Big factories try to be perfect , I'll sort out the interview process of this month with my own data .
General questions :
1. Introduce yourself
2. Your work experience , What part of the work are you mainly responsible for , What is the result , How will it help you , What are the difficulties , How to solve it .
3. Why did you leave your last company
4. What are your strengths and weaknesses ?
5. What do you think of overtime and travel ?
6. Do you have any career plans ?
7. What do you value most in job hunting ? Why? ?
8. Do you know anything about our company ? If you become a member of the company , In this position , How do you work ?
9. Do you have any salary requirements ?

Scene problem :

1. The interviewer will give a specific scenario according to the business of the company , You need to analyze the scene , Give reasons or suggestions ( It doesn't matter if you answer correctly , The point is that the logic needs to be clear , Speak clearly , Can let the interviewer understand what you mean )
2. More stringent requirements on the database will let you write code on the spot ,sql Just practice more , The most basic thing is to know , Like connecting , Subquery , trigger , stored procedure , You can write more sql Interview questions .
3. Don't speak humbly or haughtily , Don't panic when you ask about it , Just say what you think ok, Finally, I will show that I will continue to learn when I finish my work , Make your technology more full and complete , Create value for the company .
Let's write here first , I'll make it up later .
