<> use python turtle Drawing simple strokes

Complete code :
import turtle as t pen = t.Turtle() # Defining brush instances pen.speed(0) pen.pensize(5)
pen.pu() pen.right(90)# head pen.goto(-100,200) pen.pd() a = 1 for i in
range(120): if 0 <= i < 30 or 60 <= i < 90: a = a + 0.2 pen.lt(3) # turn left 3 degree
pen.fd(a) # Move on a Step size of else: a = a - 0.2 pen.lt(3) pen.fd(a) pen.pu()
pen.goto(-50,200) pen.dot(20) pen.goto(35,200) pen.dot(20) pen.right(90)
pen.pd() # body pen.pensize(5) pen.fd(85) pen.pu() pen.goto(-70,150) pen.pd()
pen.left(30) pen.circle(200,90) pen.pu() pen.goto(50,150) pen.left(30) pen.pd()
pen.circle(-200,90) pen.pu() pen.goto(-140,-125) pen.pd() pen.left(90)
pen.circle(270,59) # leg pen.pu() pen.goto(-120,-140)# Left leg pen.right(135) pen.pd()
pen.circle(90,120) pen.seth(-270) pen.fd(90) pen.pu()# right leg pen.goto(100,-140)
pen.right(165) pen.pd() pen.circle(-90,120) pen.seth(-270) pen.fd(88) # Arm
pen.pu()# Left arm pen.goto(-130,100) pen.pd() pen.seth(200) pen.circle(200,70)
pen.circle(30,180) pen.fd(50) pen.right(45) pen.fd(50) pen.up()# Right arm
pen.goto(110,100) pen.pd() pen.seth(162) pen.circle(200,-70)
pen.circle(30,-180) pen.fd(-50) pen.left(225) pen.fd(50) pen.hideturtle()
The effect is as follows ( Don't be ugly )
