Now use mac There are more and more netizens in the system , understand mac System skills
It seems very necessary . For the sake of energy conservation ,Mac After stopping operation for a period of time, it will go to sleep , It's like sitting still and falling asleep . When the monitor goes to sleep , The screen will darken first , Then close it , however
Mac The software running on will still be running .

Mac sleep 3 Hours later , It will enter standby mode , At this time Mac The entire state is stored in flash memory . Then part of the hardware system ( as RAM and USB Bus ) The power to the battery will turn off . At this time
Mac Very energy efficient .

But sometimes we just have to let them Mac Do not sleep automatically for a period of time , For example, when you open thunderbolt to download things ( No, members have to wait ), demonstration PPT
Stay on one page too long . At this time, you can try the following methods .

Using system settings

stay 【 System Preferences - energy conservation - The power adapter 】, hold 「 Turn off the display after this period :」 Slide to 「 never 」.

If you don't want to keep the monitor on , But it doesn't sleep , It can be checked 「 When the display is off , Prevent the computer from going to sleep automatically 」

Dry goods sharing

Amphetamine It looks like a vitamin pill . It can achieve more sophisticated anti sleep settings .

Amphetamine You can follow the minutes , Hour quick setting duration , You can even set the anti sleep time in seconds , You can also specify a time period of the day to function .

Advanced options also have the option to enable anti sleep after the power adapter is plugged in , Or connecting to a Wifi Then stop sleeping , It's convenient for work scenes .

One Switch In addition to keeping the screen bright ( No sleep ), You can also hide the desktop with one click , One click to turn on dark mode , One click on screen saver , Even one click switch AirPods It's up to you
Mac. Is a very practical handy tool .

If you need more detailed non sleep operation , You can try Amphetamine. If you need other convenient and practical switching requirements ,One Switch It's a good choice .
