One , Date function
The date function is used to process date Type of data , Subtract two dates by the number of days between the return dates . Addition is not allowed for dates , meaningless .
Common representative symbols :yyyy year ,mm month ,dd day ,hh hour ,mi minute ,ss second ,day week
By default, the date format is dd-mon-yy Namely 12-3 month -19
(1)sysdate: This function returns the system time
(2)months_between(m,n) date m And date n How many months is the difference
(3)add_months(d,n) On the date d On the increase n Months
(4)next_day(d, ‘ week *’) Specify the date d Next week * Corresponding date
(5)last_day(d): Returns the specified date d Last day of month
(6)extract(month from d) From date d Number of months to extract
(7)round(d,time) Rounding of dates
(8)trunc(d,time) Date truncation
Here are some examples and renderings of date functions :

Example results of various cases
months_betweenselect months_between(‘01-9 month -95’,‘11-1 month -94’) from dual;
add_monthsselect add_months(‘11-2 month -18’,6) from dual;2018/8/11
next_dayselect next_day(‘11-2 month -18’,‘ Saturday ’) from dual;2018/2/17
last_dayselect last_day(‘11-2 month -18’) from dual;2018/2/28
round Round off months 25-7 month -18select round(to_date(‘25-7 month -2018’),‘month’) from dual;
round Rounding year 25-7 month -18select round(to_date(‘25-7 month -2018’),‘year’) from dual;
trunc Truncate month 25-7 month -18select trunc(to_date(‘25-7 month -2018’),‘month’) from dual;
trunc Truncated year 25-7 month -18select trunc(to_date(‘25-7 month -2018’),‘year’) from dual;
eg: Find employed 8 More than months employees
select * from emp where sysdate>=add_months(hiredate,8);

eg: Display full 10 Name and date of employment of the employee with years of service .
select ename, hiredate from emp where sysdate>=add_months(hiredate,12*10);

eg: For each employee , Displays the number of days it has joined the company .
SQL> select floor(sysdate-hiredate),ename from emp;

SQL> select trunc(sysdate-hiredate),ename from emp;
eg: Find the bottom of each month 3 All employees employed per day .
select hiredate,ename from emp where last_day(hiredate)-2=hiredate;

Two , Conversion function
Conversion functions are used to convert data types from one to another . In some cases ,oracle server The data type of the allowed value is different from the actual value , At this time oracle
server The data type will be converted implicitly
What we're going to say is that although oracle You can convert implicit data types , But it doesn't fit all situations , In order to improve the reliability of the program , We should use the conversion function for conversion .
(1)to_char function
format : to_char(date,‘format’)
1, Must be in single quotation marks and case sensitive .
2, Any valid date format can be included .
3, The dates are separated by commas .
eg: Can date be displayed Time / branch / second
SQL> select ename, to_char(hiredate,'yyyy-mm-dd hh24:mi:ss') from emp;
eg: Can salary display the specified currency symbol
SQL> select sal,to_char(sal,'$999,999.99') from emp;
yy: Two digit year 2004–>04
yyyy: Four digit year 2004 year
mm: Two digit month 8 month –>08
dd: Two digit day 30 Number –>30
hh24: 8 spot –>20
hh12:8 spot –>08
mi,ss–> Show minutes / second
9: Show numbers , And ignore the front 0
0: Show numbers , If the number of digits is insufficient , Then use 0 Make up
.:( decimal point ) Displays the decimal point at the specified position
,:( Thousand character ) Displays a comma at the specified location
$:( Dollar sign ) Add dollars before the numbers
L:( Local currency symbol ) Prefix the number with the local currency symbol
C:( International currency symbol ) Prefix the number with the international currency symbol
eg: When the salary is displayed , Put the local currency unit first
SQL> select ename, to_char(sal,'L99999.99')from emp;
eg: display 1980 All employees in
SQL> select * from emp where to_char(hiredate, 'yyyy')=1980;

eg: Show all 12 Monthly employees
SQL> select * from emp where to_char(hiredate, 'mm')=12;
there 12 and 1980 It's numbers , Can be added ’ ’ Or not , because Oracle Will switch automatically , But it's better to add .
eg: Show name ,hiredate What day is the working day with the employee
SQL> select ename,hiredate,to_char(hiredate,'day') from emp;
(2)to_date function
format :to_date(string,‘format’)
function to_date Used to convert strings to date Type of data .
eg: Put the string 2015-03-18 13:13:13 Convert to date format ,
SQL> select to_date('2015-03-18 13:13:13','yyyy-mm-dd hh24:mi:ss') from dual;

(3)to_number function
format :to_number(char,‘format’)
use to_number Function to convert a character to a date .
SQL> select to_number('¥1,234,567,890.00','L999,999,999,999.99') from dual;
