Spring Cloud  Microservice overall architecture

Spring Cloud Microservice overall architecture

Spring cloud Micro service framework as the current mainstream , Let's implement a simple and fast microservice architecture ,Spring cloud The role of each component in the microservice architecture is shown in the figure .
spring-cloud-aws: For simplified consolidation Amazon Web Service Components of
spring-cloud-bus: event , Message bus , Used in the cluster ( for example , Configuration change events ) The change of medium propagation state , Can be associated with Spring Cloud Config Joint implementation of hot deployment .
spring-cloud-cli: be based on Spring Boot CLI, It allows you to quickly build cloud components on the command line .
spring-cloud-config: Configuration management development kit , It allows you to put the configuration on a remote server , Currently supports local storage ,Git as well as Subversion.
spring-cloud-netflix: For a variety of Netflix Development kit provided by component , These include Eureka,Hystrix,Zuul,Archaius etc .
Spring Cloud The microservice architecture is described in detail Spring Cloud Microservices from concept to practice , Include service split , Service registration , Service discovery , Service consumption , Gateway configuration , Centralized configuration center , circuit breaker .